Lauren Groves Naturopathy

Chronic Fatigue Specialist - Helping you to regain your energy and recover from fatigue, stress and burnout

Beginner's Guide to Fatigue Recovery

Overcoming fatigue is a process. It would be amazing if there was a simple solution to regaining your energy, but chronic fatigue is a complex condition. Recovery is possible, but for most people healing happens gradually, usually over several months. My goal is to expedite your journey. My job is to help resolve the underlying drivers of your condition but there are many things you can do to get started on your healing journey today. Sign up for my free guide!


Free 15 minute Discovery Call

I know it's a bit nerve-racking to to book a full consultation. You may feel like you have tried everything and no one can help you. You may have worked with other practitioners without success. You may have already spent a lot of money on testing and supplements. Sometimes it's helpful to have a quick, no-pressure chat to see if I could be the right fit to help you on your recovery journey. For this reason, I offer free 15 minute discovery calls to give you an opportunity to ask me questions and get a feel for what I offer.


Blog posts

  • Understanding Mold Illness: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

    Mold, a seemingly innocuous and often overlooked part of our environment, has long shared our living spaces, growing silently on damp walls, or even on that forgotten loaf of bread. These minute fungi, which release spores into the air, are an integral component of our planet's ecosystem, aiding in the decomposition of organic matter. However, not all interactions between humans and mold are benign. For many, exposure can usher in a slew of health concerns, ranging from mild to severe.

    The reactions our bodies can have to mold are multifaceted. Some individuals might brush off its presence, with little to no evident symptoms, while others grapple with noticeable allergic responses. Then, there are those who, due to various factors, might experience more insidious health effects over time. From transient IgG sensitivities to lifelong IgE allergies, and even the more covert dangers posed by mycotoxin exposure, our interactions with mold can greatly differ. This guide seeks to illuminate the intricate world of mold-related health issues, offering insight into its symptoms, diagnostic methods, and potential treatments. Join us as we delve deep into understanding mold illnesses and how they impact our lives.

  • Unlocking Energy: The Ultimate Diet Guide for Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), often recognized by its profound and persistent tiredness, is more than just everyday exhaustion. This debilitating condition also referred to as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, reaches beyond the realm of sleep and rest, impacting the daily lives of its sufferers in countless ways. From cognitive disruptions to muscle pain, CFS presents a myriad of symptoms, the root causes of which have been the subject of intense study and debate.

    In the midst of these explorations, diet has emerged as a significant player. While there's no singular 'miracle diet' that applies to everyone, the food we consume undeniably plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being, energy production, and bodily functions. For many grappling with CFS, dietary adjustments, although not curative can provide some symptomatic relief and may bring you one step closer to overcoming their fatigue.

    In this guide, we will traverse the landscape of various dietary approaches that show promise in managing CFS symptoms. From the ketogenic regime for those encountering the Warburg effect to the nutrient-dense focus of the Wahls Protocol, our journey is geared towards unlocking the latent energy within, all through the power of what's on our plates. 

  • Blood Sugar Dysregulation: The Hidden Culprit Behind Chronic Fatigue?

    In today's fast-paced world, feelings of exhaustion and weariness have become all too common. While many attribute their chronic fatigue to a hectic lifestyle, demanding jobs, or simply the stresses of modern living, a less-discussed yet critical factor lurks beneath the surface: blood sugar dysregulation. This unseen disruptor, often overshadowed by more commonly discussed health issues, plays a pivotal role in our daily energy levels and overall well-being. Delving into the nexus between blood sugar imbalances and unyielding tiredness, we aim to shed light on this significant connection, empowering readers with the knowledge to reclaim their vitality and break free from the shackles of constant fatigue. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of our body's glucose management and its profound impact on our day-to-day energy and zest for life.
  • Unraveling the Magic of Basics: How Sleep, Diet, Exercise, and Sunlight Can Be the Unsung Heroes in Your Chronic Fatigue Healing Journey

    In a world always seeking the newest scientific breakthrough or revolutionary treatment, we often overlook the immense healing power housed within our daily habits. This is particularly true when it comes to managing and recovering from complex health conditions like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). While no magic pill or quick fix can instantly erase the burden of CFS, some of the most potent tools in your arsenal are surprisingly simple, yet highly effective: quality sleep, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient exposure to sunlight.

    CFS, characterized by profound, debilitating, and long-term fatigue, is a complex disorder with varied symptoms and potential causes, making it challenging to manage. However, emerging research suggests that it might have a lot to do with our body's cellular powerhouses - the mitochondria, and their process of bioenergetics. To fully comprehend the profound impact that sleep, diet, exercise, and sunlight can have on your journey with CFS, it's important to first understand the wonders of mitochondrial bioenergetics, a term that refers to how our cells produce and use energy.

    In this article, we delve into the world of mitochondria, and unravel how these four foundational lifestyle elements, though not 'glamorous' or 'revolutionary', can significantly enhance mitochondrial function, thereby playing a pivotal role in your CFS healing journey. We'll explore the often-underappreciated magic of these basics, and illustrate how they can become the unsung heroes in your quest for improved health and energy.

  • Exercise and Chronic Fatigue: Discovering the Balanced Approach

    In a world where "no pain, no gain" is often hailed as the mantra of physical fitness, individuals living with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) face a challenging paradox. The exhaustion they experience is not the kind that's resolved with a good night's sleep or a couple of days of rest. It's a pervasive and unrelenting tiredness that significantly impairs their daily life. And yet, multiple studies and expert opinions suggest that exercise — a supposed energy-drainer — could be part of an effective management strategy for this complex condition. But how can this be?

    Welcome to our deep-dive blog post, "Exercise and Chronic Fatigue: Discovering the Balanced Approach". Here, we aim to debunk myths and provide practical tips for those navigating the intersection of exercise and chronic fatigue. It's a delicate tightrope to walk, but with informed guidance and a personalized approach, it may lead to enhanced quality of life. Read on as we unravel this enigma and shed light on how exercise can be strategically incorporated into a life marked by chronic fatigue.

  • Trauma and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Trauma can be a very difficult thing to deal with. For many people, trauma is not the event itself, but the way in which the person is able to process it. This is in part limited to the capacity of a person's nervous system to deal with the trauma it encounters. People with CFS/ME often have more than one contributing driver. I liken CFS/ME to an overloaded power board. People with CFS/ME have so many plugs draining their energy - their power board defaults to shutdown mode. And for many people, trauma is one of the plugs draining their energy. Unless you can remove all the plugs draining your power board, then full recovery is unlikely. If trauma is one of your plugs, don't worry - there are many options available to support your nervous system!
  • Hormetic stress: what is it and when should you incorporate it into your CFS/ME recovery plan

    Hormetic stress is a term used to describe a beneficial type of stress that can actually help improve our health and well-being. Despite the fact that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) are both debilitating illnesses, incorporating hormetic stress into your recovery journey could be just what you need to help get your life back on track. Although hormetic stress can be a powerful tool, it's important to not introduce it too early as it can really set back your recovery journey. Read on to learn more about what hormetic stress is and at what point you can incorporate this tool to reap it's energy boosting benefits.
  • Awakening the Power of the Vagus Nerve: Understanding Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction and How Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Help in People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is one of the most important systems within the human body. It regulates key bodily functions including digestion, heart rate, and respiration, ensuring that our bodies are functioning optimally – unfortunately for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome this system can become dysfunctional which results in many of the symptoms associated with this condition. Fortunately, recent evidence suggests that vagus nerve stimulation may benefit those with ANS dysfunction by toning down the overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system and balancing out our "fight-or-flight" response. In this blog post, we'll look at what causes ANS dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome and explore how engaging your vagus nerve could help to alleviate symptoms in CFS/ME patients.

    Stimulating the vagus nerve can be another tool to use in your CFS/ME recovery journey. You can do this at home using various methods, including humming, gargling, deep diaphragmatic breathing and binaural beats. The most effective method is to use a TENS device with an ear attachment – make sure you adjust the frequency and pulse width for best results. Use your TENS machine 10-20 minutes daily for 1-3 times per day depending on what works best for you. Experimenting with different frequencies or ear locations could help you find one that provides calming effects without any unwanted side effects. With regular practice of these techniques, you should soon start experiencing positive changes in your overall well being!

  • Unlocking the Power of Colour: Why Eating a Rainbow of Fruits and Vegetables is Essential for Optimal Health

    Do you have a hard time getting your daily intake of fruits and vegetables? Adding more colours to your diet can be the key to unlocking optimal health. Eating an array of different coloured produce provides us with essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that not only boost our physical wellbeing, but also emotional and mental health. Read on to learn why it’s important to eat a the rainbow of fruits and veggies in order to reap the maximum benefits for optimal well-being!

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